Hello there, after about two years of working on my world building and on my map making I have decided to take the next step. This step being, commissions. I know from personal experience that not all of us have time or the willingness to start experimenting with something new. Map making can be a daunting task for someone who doesn’t feel at home with drawing. It can take lots of time to perfect and once you have spent years creating your world you might just want someone else to draw the map to complete the cycle.
It is precisely this reason that I believe I am capable of helping out your world building and your campaigns. My map making experience is one of quiet obsession, working fanatically on my own world I taught myself how to draw beautiful maps. Below you will see some maps that I have drawn. From there you only need to contact me on the following email and present your world to me.
Here you can see some regional maps of my world. How they started out and how they evolved.
The following maps are of my world and of entire continents I have drawn.
If you are interested in hiring my services the contact me on the following email address:
You can also follow my work on Instagram:
As a special treat if you do decide to share your world with me, crest designs like the following, will be delivered along side the maps for free.
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